Saturday, October 30, 2004


W0RK 4 FR33

work for free Why I work for free? I work for free because working for free opens exclusive opportunity's. Opportunity's from free work are unlimited. If you work for free you find out. People who work for free are not as self centered as those who always work for a fee. Maybe one day you will work for free just like me. Until that day enjoy me being this way. Look how much you learned in so few words. And so incredibly well written. Lern you wont lern I recently found out you can research anything you want on the website Google. You could type "work for free" and learn something about it. (no link here). Reprinted/excerpted with permission. The Training Doctor, Author: Naomi Karten. if you ignore the data - the numbers, indicator lights, customer complaints, project glitches, recurring outages, or whatever - you could misinterpret or remain oblivious to even the most obvious signs of trouble and suffer uncomfortable or expensive consequences. Such as getting stranded in a tiny Vermont town on a cold, damp Sunday Are you in data denial? (you will have to click it still)

Friday, October 29, 2004


be very me

I would under-react trying to act normal making just another blog as if I'm just another person, I am of-course but Blogging should be about the outstanding aspects of life not the regular things, aspects being boring don't get blog-ed. :) that was dull... I like coffee, i drink it all the time. The sky is beautiful today, i may post a picture later. I must do some shopping now. You didn't press the reply button jet?

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Our Man in Hanoi: Smiles and Tears

Our Man in Hanoi: Smiles and Tears Your blog made me feel like shit, it appears to me I really think of nothing but myself and dare to imagine I care.

Sunday, October 24, 2004



Behold for you see that what you are, your reflecting things in-front of you. One can only pan the camera...... The way of the blogomancer - the knowledge of blogging to much.

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