Gonzo Engaged: "A Conversation sparked by Christopher Locke's 'Gonzo Marketing: Winning Through Worst Practices'. Started by Jeneane Sessum in 2001, Gonzo Engaged was the first team weblog on Blogspot. Let the games continue."
#by Gaby de Wilde @ 8:46 AM Did I miss spell your name? Are you the owner of an opinion? fearless, willing and even able to write it down? Thell me you love me or that I suck? Make a
comment Because 0 isn't realy a lot. I should have more as 0 comments. I mean, just look how unusual(special) I am! Let me have it!(the
comment)...ok I'll say it then... PLEASE! don't sit there and say nothing, whut are you? r3tard3d??