Sunday, November 07, 2004


building things you don't want

there always more as 1 ways to do things, some are really black and white. I need to give examples to explain this, don't be confused by the examples having a subject. This idea is in no way limited to any topic, don't you dare to be distracted or bored by the subject of the example. open - closed source software. government - private sector. get diploma - don't get diploma. Again, this is an example of 3 way's to do things and having to pick one way or the other. You cant have both. Actually you can but the 50% / 50% ratio is often disastrous. Think of a Linux-windows network being less dependent but more confused. Building things you don't want? Yep, if you do m in a 99% / 1% ratio the 1% has almost no affect on the result. But it will give a picture of how things would look the other way around 1% / 99%. Go for: "not getting the diploma" and put 1% effort in it. Lets say your Wiring open source software,have a look how you can make a closed source module. Don't make it! have a look and put 1% effort in it. Or your writing closed source, have a look how you can make a open source module. Don't make it! have a look and put 1% effort in it. The only interesting thing in privatizing the government is the RND. 1% is enough to get feeds. A business may do a little non profit project, it could make a name for itself and profit. Again 1% is more as enough. I hope I made 1% of sense. :)
Go do somthing small for no reason, go and see what hapens..........

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